Sometimes in history, events occur that set off a series of reactions which lead to greatness. Online gambling casinos are a result that can be directly attributed to none other than the great Christopher Columbus and what will ever be remembered as a great discovery. Safe Online Gaming would like to take you on a journey that shows how significant Columbus is to the gambling industry and why this day should continue to be celebrated as Columbus Day.

Over the last decade, a group of people have gone out of their way to try to change the history most of us know today from the man who "sailed the ocean blue in 1492", Christopher Columbus to Indigenous Peoples' Day. Of course any sane person would know that without Columbus identifying a group of people, and mistakenly calling them Indians because he thought he was in India, there would not be a group of people trying to claim that they had come "here" first. Unless these groups of people were very vain, why else would they want to celebrate themselves. Therefore, because of Columbus, a group of people have popularized a movement to celebrate people who were already living in land that would one day become the United States.
Now, the correlation to a great discovery and online gambling can be made that if the settlers of the United States, which Columbus was a part of showing a pathway from Europe to the America's, didn't have an itching to expand across the newly established country they would not have taken the land away from the Indians. Of course, as time passed and the government continued to renege on treaties and promises, they made concessions to different tribes. These concessions allowed Native American Tribes to not have to abide by the Federal mandate outlawing gambling except when they see fit and can put more money in their pocket. (That's another blog for another time.) Yes, because of Columbus and his great discovery, the American government felt bad for treating Indian's bad and gave them land to put up casinos. Ultimately, these casinos have let to Online Casinos like Sugar Shack and Fiesta Jackpot where you can play slots, roulette, blackjack, craps, poker and other sweepstakes games anytime you please.
Yes, it is safe to say that without Christopher Columbus' famous voyage and subsequently great discovery, Online gambling casinos might never exist, and that would be a real shame not to recognize someone for his contribution to the American Gaming Industry. (We won't even talk about his Italian heritage and how the Italian's help grow gambling across the United States.) As always, set your limits and have fun winning real money at the casino! And Happy Columbus Day!!!