Gambling has been around for centuries as a form of entertainment where you can win real money. Casinos have been established across the United State, most notably Las Vegas and Atlantic City. Most of these establishments have demanded a dress code, but Safe Online Gaming's investigative team has found that not all gambling establishments have required clothing.

It has been suggested that strip poker originated in the New Orleans brothels around the same time as original poker began in the 19th Century. The story is told that one of the players had already gone all in with their chips. Needing to match the call, his opponent suggested he satisfy the rest of the clothes on his back with a little encouragement from the working lady sitting on his lap. As he put everything in (we are assuming his side pistol, but not the one that had been concealed...); the play became notorious and is used in present day.
Honestly, strip poker most likely began by some teenage boys who challenged their dates to a game of wits. The clothing would be removed as a way of keeping score or placing a bet. Of course rules varied as one can imagine often favoring the male players.
Now the rules of the game are, at the beginning of each turn, each player must remove an article of clothing as an ante. If there are two couples playing there should be four shoes in the pot before the cards are dealt. At the outset, one of the articles of clothing is removed from the game permanently. So the winner will receive three articles of clothing in the ante.
The opener must bet, and they can be raised, just like ordinary poker. After the draw, the players make another bet, like regular poker. Once an article of clothing is removed, it cannot be put back on. The clothing is just used as a stake for betting. Only clothing can be bet. No player may withdraw once the game begins without forfeiting all articles of clothing.
With the emergence of online gambling casinos, players are able to play naked anytime they choose. They don't have to worry about a dress code, nor watching what they eat while they are naked. A gambler can let it all hang out and play their favorite game of chance with a possibility of winning real money while gambling online.
There are thousands of sites to play, and some even are live topless online casino games, but it is important to do your research when choosing an online gaming site. Sites like or and even have all of the thrills of being at a casino in a safe secure environment. Players can have hours of fun and a chance to win real money. Each of these casinos have an operator standing by offering gamblers assistance 24 hours 7 days a week.
For those operators who need a safe online site who need to purchase credits; visit sites like or
In addition to having a great opportunity to win, you don't have to pay for that high priced drink or shell out hundreds of dollars to take a flight. As always, be responsible, and set your limits. Plus, you can control the temperature in your room while you gamble naked!