Ireland (yes, Ireland across the ocean) hosted the first college football game, and as long as the fans didn't spend too much time in the pub before kickoff then they saw an impressive upset. Who are we kidding. The Irish were drinking pints out of the bottle! Top ranked Florida State was beat by unranked Georgia Tech, led by Longview, Texas native Haynes King (what a great name for a gladiator of the field) 24-21. And with now it is time for Safe Online Gaming to talk about some gambling on college football.

Isn't it funny that the NCAA has created and launched their Draw the Line campaign which educates the effects of sports betting while providing help for those who play college sports and gamble? Twice as much money is wagered (almost $3 Billion) on college basketball than the Super Bowl. With sports betting being legal in more than 30 states, over half of all college-age students have admitted to betting on sports over the past 12 months. With online sports betting and online casinos, many of the states like Texas makes betting illegal. However, there are ways that anyone can place a safe and secure bet, and win real money, anywhere at anytime.
Sports betting is everywhere, and the big boys like DraftKings spend more money than Coach Prime talks about how great his sons are! Both love to promote themselves!!! The NCAA enjoys the cash flow, and regulates gambling the best they can without cutting off the flow of cash (Sounds like Alabama before paying players became legal). Unfortunately, with so many states having different laws on the books, and the emergence of online technology, it has become as tough to regulate as it is for Reggie Bush to get his Heisman back.
Gambling on college football can be a fun and exciting way to enjoy the game adding additional entertainment value. It should be done responsibly, and if you are a college athlete, you should refrain from placing bets until you hang up your cleats. If you choose to place a wager or two, then be sure to set your limits, and find a reputable online sports betting service.
Good luck, and enjoy the season!